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Showing posts from July, 2014

Kabir - the love for his poems and his philosophy!

While searching for interesting Sufi and Tantric music, I came across a beautiful song by Shabnam Virmani on Youtube sung as part of a project called "The Kabir Project" held at the Srishti School of Design. To put it simply, it moved me on its simple lines and very beautiful message. It led me to search for more of Kabir's poems. And a whole world opened up! It opened up to Kabir, Kumar Gandharva, Prahlad Tipaniya, Vidya Rao, the Nath Panthis somewhere in the Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh. Some Nirguni singers on the street. Several beautiful pieces that connect you to your soul for the inner peace that everyone is seeking, unfortunately outside! Here are some wonderful poems and some links that you will enjoy. khalak sab rain ki sapna, samajh man koi nahi apna; kathin hai moha ki dhara, baha sab jat sansara; ghada jas nir ka phuta, patra jyon dar se tuta; aisi nar jat jindagani, ajahun to chet abhimani; bhulo mati dekhi tanu gora, jagat men jivana th...